2018 MRGA Annual Dinner

This year’s Guides’ Wives’ Dinner/Auction will be held Saturday April 14th, 2018 at the Eugene Country Club. Auction items are needed, please contact Jon Payne (541-579-3474) or Kevin Hawkins (503-789-9958) and let them know if you can donate a trip, tackle, art, fishing books, or other items. Please also RSVP to Randy Dersham (541-285-3676 or randy.dersham@gmail.com by March 31th, if you and your guest plan to attend.

WHEN: Saturday April 14th, 2018

WHERE: Eugene Country Club, 255 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR 97401

TIME: Cocktail hour and silent auction: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm-dinner at 7:00.
Short Program followed by Oral Auction.

COST: $65.00 per person

GUESTS: Wives, Guests or other companions: Welcome! But seating is limited to 130 so please RSVP to Randy, to reserve your places.

DRINKS: No host bar; MRGA will provide a keg of micro-brew beer and wine.

MENU: Dinner buffet and dessert. Last year’s food was fantastic and this year will be great as well: Prime Rib-Salmon, etc.

RSVP: Contact Randy Dersham (541-285-3676) or randy.dersham@gmail.com by March 31st to assure your seat.
Please come and celebrate with us. As always there will be plenty of quality auction items to choose from. Look for guided trips, flies, rods, boating equipment, art work, knives, clothing and more. There will be special auction items for the ladies as well.

This event is our main fundraiser of the year, so bring your guest, checkbook, cash, or credit cards, and plenty of good will, to make this our best event ever!!

Steve Mealey,
