Goodby Bill Barrett – a friend of the McKenzie River.

On August 17th, Bayy Barrett made this announcement on Facebook. I’m adding it here so McKenzie River Guides and their friends can see the announcement. We will all miss you Bill.

“At 4:18 pm today… you were finally able to stop hurting and be at peace. I don’t know where to even begin to explain how much I love you, dad… you are my best friend. My go to. My biggest cheerleader. I’m not too sure how to live life without you in it… the world is a better place with you in it…I’ll forever cherish you and the relationship that we had.… I love you Dad. Please protect and watch over us….I hope you dance….I’ll forever keep these recordings of you telling me you love me♥️

Bayy Barrett
August 17, 2022

Request for photos and well-wishes for Bill Barrett.

The note below came from Tim Fox and Tracy Berry at New Country Radio. You can leave your comments or photos for Bill on his Facebook page under Bill Barrett.

Tim & Tracy on New Country 93.3

Dear KKNU radio family and Eugene broadcasting community, we bring you sad news. This beautiful thing called life comes with a catch; at some point, it draws to an end. It is with an immensely heavy heart that we share the news that our dearest Bill Barrett is nearing the end of his time. Cancer has come calling, and the battle is lost. But his overwhelming love for his dear family and all of YOU who have supported him in his 45 years of morning radio in Eugene are sustaining him in his final days. We knew you had to know. We knew you would NEED an outlet for your love and admiration of this exemplary human and his lovely family. We know that if he had the strength, he would humbly thank each and every one in person for the many years of love and support. But that’s not possible. So, if you are moved to do so, pour your love, memories, and pictures in the comments below. Give Bill this final warm gift and share the love he brought to so many. We promise to show Bill as many of your well-wishes as we can. Hug your loved ones extra tight tonight as we are reminded once again – Life is a precious gift! ❤️

McKenzie Guides thank Peter DeFazio

August 8th, 11 am, at the McKenzie River Discovery Center
44643 Hwy 126. Leaburg OR 97489

All, after months of scheduling we have secured a meeting with congressman Peter DeFazio on August 8th, 11 am,at the McKenzie River Discovery Center. We are planning to have a brief award ceremony where we give an art piece with an inscription to Peter in acknowledgement of his services to the people of Oregon and in particular the folks of the McKenzie valley. I would like to invite any and all members of the MRGA to join us to help in this celebration. After the award ceremony we are planning to take the congressman for a short float( 12-3pm) to do a little fishing and help remind him of the importance of the Leaburg hatchery to the people and guides of Lane county. I have volunteered to row a boat but I am looking for a couple of volunteers to help take some of his staff down the river as well. If you are available to row on that day please contact me as soon as possible so that we can sort out the details. This should be a great event and I hope to see you all there!

Barrett A Christiansen