Water Obstruction: Willamette River below Clearwater Landing

Water Obstruction: Willamette River below Clearwater Landing

The Lane County Sheriff’s Office is advising the public of an obstruction on the Willamette River approximately one quarter of a mile below Clearwater landing. A tree has come down across the channel rendering it unnavigable safely. Recreational boaters are urged to avoid this section of river until the hazard can be mitigated. Anyone insistent on floating this section of the river are cautioned to stay as far river left as possible and consider portaging (exiting the river) when passing the hazard.

Visit www.oregon.gov/osmb for the latest information on water obstructions within Oregon.

Wooden Boat Festival April 22nd


The 2023 McKenzie River Drift Boat Festival is scheduled for Saturday, April 22, from 10:00 to 4:00 at Eagle Rock Lodge. The event is a fun day with like-minded folks who are interested in or are obsessed with drift boats and river dories. Come and join the fun!

A few event details:

  • For those planning to bring a boat to the show please arrive early enough (aprx.9:00 am-ish) so that your drift boat can get a courtesy tow from the parking area to the riverfront grounds.
  • If you plan to arrive by the river, plan to arrive by 10:00am.
  • Those who are interested in joining an informal flotilla to Eagle Rock should plan to launch from Finn Rock at 9:00. Plan to arrive at Eagle Rock Lodge at or around 10.
  • Boats can be pulled from the river and parked on the grounds for the Festival and then re-launched for the takeout one-half mile downstream at Silver Creek landing. Please pre-arrange your shuttles.
  • There is no pre-registration or fee for showing your boats.