River Blockage Removed

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April, 10th, 2011 the McKenzie river was cleared of a complete river blockage known as mile post 44. This obstruction was completely blocking the river in two locations. The first obstruction was just out of sight upstream of the highway near mile post 44. A single log, approximately 4.5 ft in diameter at the base was across the entire river. A single cut on the far shore from the root base allowed the tree to come to rest parallel of the bank and completely out of the current channel. This tree is now resting along the bank providing habitat many forms of aquatic life.

The second blockage was visible from the highway and took considerable more work. With a down stream safety crew put in place, a drift boat was lowered to the tree blocking the river. After spending three hours cutting the tree through it seemed it would not budge. After a shore lunch an attempt was made to cut the tree from the opposite end. It became apparent that the tree was being held in place by a second tree just under the surface. When the second tree was cut the entire mass began to moan and pop. The McKenzie river once again became clear for safe boat navigation.

A heartfelt thanks should be extended to Wade Scofield and volunteers from The McKenzie River Guides Association and McKenzie Fire and Rescue for helping making safe passage on this section of the McKenzie River.

